Streamline Your
Material Sourcing
Access quality materials at fair market prices, on terms that support your business.
Streamline Your
Material Sourcing
Access quality materials at fair market prices, on terms that support your business.
Built to Last.
Handpicked from our trusted network of domestic and international partners.
We Put Independent Suppliers First.
Our sourcing process is designed to give independent suppliers and manufacturers an upper hand.
Improved Cash Flow
No up-front payments required. Only pay after you've received each shipment.
Improved Cash Flow
No up-front payments required. Only pay after you've received each shipment.
Improved Cash Flow
No up-front payments required. Only pay after you've received each shipment.
Managed Compliance
Import paperwork, countervailing duties, tariffs, and all other headaches are handled for you.
Managed Compliance
Import paperwork, countervailing duties, tariffs, and all other headaches are handled for you.
Managed Compliance
Import paperwork, countervailing duties, tariffs, and all other headaches are handled for you.
Reduced Liability
We inspect every container and take on all liability until the product arrives at your facility.
Reduced Liability
We inspect every container and take on all liability until the product arrives at your facility.
Reduced Liability
We inspect every container and take on all liability until the product arrives at your facility.
Disrupting Our Industry.
Building material prices continue to rise despite input component costs falling. I founded Crosswater to disrupt this market bubble and to help independent businesses source quality products at fair market prices.
Sourcing products internationally can be difficult for independent businesses due to the plethora of cash requirements, duties/fees, and logistical headaches. We want to handle all of that for you so that you can focus on what you do best.
Operating Partner, Crosswater Building Materials
Disrupting Our Industry.
Building material prices continue to rise despite input component costs falling. I founded Crosswater to disrupt this market bubble and to help independent businesses source quality products at fair market prices.
Sourcing products internationally can be difficult for independent businesses due to the plethora of cash requirements, duties/fees, and logistical headaches. We want to handle all of that for you so that you can focus on what you do best.
Operating Partner, Crosswater Building Materials
Contact Us.
Streamline your supply chain.
Quality materials at fair market prices
Hands-off Compliance Management
Dedicated Customer Support
Contact Us.
Streamline your supply chain.
Quality materials at fair market prices
Hands-off Compliance Management
Dedicated Customer Support
© 2025 Crosswater Building Materials
© 2025 Crosswater Building Materials